
Our research institutes make an impact around the world, across industries and communities, and in the lives of individuals. Education, health, theology and philosophy are their core research priorities, and all are founded on the principles of social justice and the common good.


Our research institutes

Dianoia Institute of Philosophy

Aspires to excellence in the central areas of philosophical inquiry, including metaphysics, epistemology, ethics and metaethics, logic, social and political philosophy, aesthetics, history of philosophy, and the philosophy of mind, language, religion and science.

Visit Dianoia

Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry

Examines ideas, beliefs and history in order to advance understanding of the world and imagine ways to improve it. Comprises three research programs: Biblical and Early Christian Studies, Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Religion and Theology.

Visit IRCI

Institute for Positive Psychology and Education

Brings together leading researchers to address critical educational and psychosocial issues. Research examines ways to enable individuals and groups to flourish and thrive.

Visit IPPE

Mary MacKillop Institute for Health Research

Undertakes research that addresses critical public health issues. Their research and innovative programs deliver better health outcomes that change and transform lives.


Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education

Researchers identify, examine, and remove barriers to learning and wellbeing. They advance new knowledge that improves the life chances for young people


Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences

Develops a vibrant research culture to continue ACU’s trajectory in the liberal arts. This is an area of strategic importance to the university’s mission and identity.

Visit IHSS


ACU research engages communities, government, industry and the non-for-profit-sector to create real and sustainable impacts on the health, wellbeing and prosperity of all people.

Learn more about ACU’s engagement and impact


Research ethics, integrity and compliance

Our researchers understand they hold a privileged position; their work has great potential to benefit individuals and society. As such, we have a duty to conduct research to the highest standards. Our research ethics, integrity and compliance frameworks ensure that research is conducted responsibly, ethically, and in compliance with all relevant codes, guidelines and legislation.

Learn more about research ethics


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